News Articles & Letters

Please find below relevant news articles & letters

By clicking ‘read’ you will be taken to the website of the publishing company, social media post or will download the file from our website.

West Highland Free Press - Renewables, pylons and workers’ camps - Friday 21st June 2024

John O’Groat Journal - Could existing pylon line be upgraded? - Friday 21st June 2024

Press & Journal - Community needs more transparency - Friday 21st June 2024

John O’Groats Journal - My kids face childhood in shadow of Spittal substation construction works - Wednesday 19th June 2024

Country Life - March of the pylons - Wednesday 19th June 2024

Press & Journal - Communities feel let down over energy proposals snub - Wednesday 19th June 2024

John O’Groat Journal - Big energy has no place beside tourism - Friday 14th June 2024

John O’Groat Journal - Energy summit was a disappointment - Friday 14th June 2024

Press & Journal - Fossil fuel debate just a lot of hot air - Wednesday 12th June 2024

Press & Journal - Morality of wind power is a myth - Saturday 8th June 2024

Press & Journal - Squandering our energy resources - Monday 3rd June 2024

Press & Journal - Elected members need to remember their communities - Friday 31st May 2024

Also published in The National

Press & Journal - Why is our scenery being sacrificed? - Friday 31st May 2024

Press & Journal - So-called green energy wind farms are steadily becoming ever more dark - Friday 31st May 2024

Press & Journal - Big Energy threat to rural Scotland - Monday 20th May 2024

Press & Journal - MSPs would rather slope off to lunch than consider the Highlands’ future - Monday 13th May 2024

Press & Journal - Creating net zero for wrong reasons - Saturday 11th May 2024

Press & Journal - Politicians should come off the fence - Friday 10th May 2024

Scotsman - Rural ruin - Thursday 9th May 2024

Also published in the Press & Journal (10 May)

Press & Journal - ‘Weasel words and broken promises’ - Thursday 9th May 2024

Also published in the Inverness Courier (7 May) and the John O’ Groat Journal (10 May)

Press & Journal - Rural Scotland should not be seen as a cash cow - Saturday 4th May 2024

John O’Groat Journal - Time to listen to Highland people - Friday 3rd May 2024

Herald - We must halt the industrialisation of our countryside - Wednesday 1st May 2024

Press & Journal - Climate change now here to Stay - Wednesday 1st May 2024

Press & Journal - Greens are gone, now we need rid of SSEN pylons - Saturday 27th April 2024

Also published in the Scotsman, the Herald (26 Apr) and the West Highland Free Press (3 May)

John O’Groat Journal - Stop and think over wind applications - Friday 26th April 2024

Press & Journal - Concerns over energy expertise - Monday 22nd April 2024

Press & Journal - Wind obsession is a lot of hot air - Monday 22nd April 2024

Press & Journal - What’s the truth over power plans? - Monday 22nd April 2024

Press & Journal - Pilons could ruin our unique land - Saturday 20th April 2024

Press & Journal - Put party aside and speak up - Friday 19th April 2024

Press & Journal - DiCaprio needs to wind his neck in - Wednesday 17th April 2024

The Herald- Sorry, Mr Yousaf, but it’s the SNP that is damaging rural Scotland - Monday 8th April 2024

Press & Journal - Defence Sidelined By Energy Company’s Ambitions - Saturday 6th April 2024

Press & Journal - Pylons are for Profiteering - Friday 5th April 2024

Press & Journal - Energy Company Has Wires Crossed - Thursday 4th April 2024

West Coast Today - Scottish Government found to have approved every SSE or SSEN planning application for last 15 years - Tuesday 2nd April 2024

John O’ Groat Journal - ‘100% Approval’ for Power Firm - Friday 29th March 2024

CB4PC FaceBook Post Plus P&J Article - Tuesday 26th March 2024

Facebook Post (Originally From Herald) - Fanellan Residents - Friday 22nd March 2024

West Highland Free Press - Deeds Not Matching Words on Energy Plans - Friday 22nd March 2024

Press & Journal - Row Heats Up Over The Size of Substation - Friday 15th March 2024

Press & Journal - We Won’t Give Up Wind Farms Fight - Tuesday 12th March 2024

Inverness Courier- Clan Chief Seeking SSEN Clarification - Friday 8th March 2024

West Highland Free Press - Energy Giants Start Skye Work “Without Consent” - Friday 8th March 2024

Inverness Courier - Tuesday 27th February 2024

John O’Groat Journal - Power Line Project Is Not The Right Answer To Climate Change - Friday 23rd February 2024

The Press & Journal - We Don’t Need Any More Wind Farms - Friday 23rd February 2024

The Press & Journal - Wind Power Won’t Help Scottish Government Repopulate ‘Remote’ North - Friday 23rd February 2024

Scotsman - Net Zero Chance - Tuesday 13th February 2024

The Herald - Beauly Pylons ‘Will Be A Scar On Highlands’ - Sunday 11th February 2024

Caithness Courier - Various Articles - Wednesday 31st January 2024

John O’Groat Journal - Transmission Upgrade Will Mean ‘Significant Changes to Some Landscapes’ - Tuesday 30th January 2024

John O’ Groat Journal - ‘Unity’ Plea in Fight Against New Pylons - Friday 26th January 2024

The Inverness Courier - How Much Power Infrastructure Do We Need? - Friday 22nd December 2023

The Press & Journal - Letters to the Editor - Wednesday 20th December 2023

Northern Times - MP Calls for Subsea Cable - Monday 18th December 2023

Various Letters to Press - Wednesday November 8th to Friday November 24th

The Press and Journal - No Evidence to Support Popularity of Onshore Wind Power in Our Rural Areas - Friday October 13th 2023

West Highland Free Press - “Cheap” Wind Power Is Anything But For Electricity Customers - Thursday October 12th 2023

The Press and Journal - Scotland’s Energy Needs Blown Off Course by Fantasy of Wind Power - Thursday October 12th 2023

The Press and Journal - Energy Colonisers Abuse Landscape - Thursday October 12th 2023

The Press and Journal -We Will Continue to Pay High Price For This Obsession With Wind Energy - Monday October 9th 2023

John O’Groat - Hot Air and Spin Across The Moors - Friday October 6th 2023

The Press and Journal - Modern Uprising Against Turbines - Thursday September 28th 2023

The Press and Journal - More Big Energy Industrialisation of Scotland Would be Met by a Public ‘No’ - Tuesday September 26th 2023

John O’Groat - Packed Dunheath Hall Hears Nowhere in Highlands Will Be Safe If ‘Mega’ Pylons Go Ahead - Friday September 22nd 2023

The Press and Journal - Public Need to be Able to Scrutinise the True Cost of Net-Zero Energy Policy - Friday September 22nd 2023

The Press and Journal - Calls for Inquiry Over ‘Influx’ of Wind Plans - Monday September 18th 2023.

The Press and Journal -Plans For Unneeded Wind Farms in Rural North an Affront to Democracy - Thursday September 14th 2023.

Daily Mail - Clash of the Clans! - Monday August 14th 2023

The Press and Journal - Call Out The Politicians Listening to Big Energy Rather Than Their Constituents - Monday August 14th 2023.

STV - Business Owner Says Super Pylons ‘Threaten Future of Countryside’ - Saturday 5th August 2023.

Facebook Post - STV - News Video - Friday 4th August 2023.

Press and Journal - Silence Over SSEN Plans Will be Noted - Wednesday 2nd August 2023.

Press and Journal - Wind Power May Be Killing Sealife - Tuesday 1st August 2023.

BBC - The Looming Battle Over Pylons for Green Energy - Monday 31st July 2023.

Daily Record - The Green Myth - Wednesday 26th July 2023.

Daily Mail - Blight of the ‘Green’ Energy Mega-Pylons - Tuesday 25th July 2023.

Daily Mail - The Pylon Motorways and Giant Power Plants Set to Scar the Highlands… All in the Name of Green Energy - Saturday 22nd July 2023.

John O’Groat - Trying to Block Power Of Our Communities - Friday 21st July 2023.

The Herald - Why won't Ian Blackford live up to his words on wind farms? - Saturday 15th July 2023.

Daily Mail (Also in Press & Journal) - Pull The Plug on Ugly Power Plans - Thursday 13th July 2023.

Scotland On Sunday - Yousaf Must Make Good on Pledge to Rural Communities - Thursday 6th July 2023.

The Press and Journal - FM Must Follow up Community Pledge - Thursday 6th July 2023.

Facebook Post - John O’Groat Journal - Who Benefits From Industrialisation of The Highlands? - Friday June 16th 2023.

The Press and Journal - Skye to Fort Augustus Power Line: Campaigners Ask Highland Council to Change Their Mind and Object To Pylons - Friday June 16th 2023.

The Northern Times - Stand Up and Fight - Friday 2nd June 2023

CB4PC - Letter Published Press & Journal and John O’Groat Journal - Friday 26th May 2023

Bylines Scotland - Desecrating The Glens: The Relentless March of the Industrial Triffids - Thursday 27th April 2023

Facebook Post - The Press and Journal - Multiple Articles - Thursday 27th April 2023

The Northern Times - Sutherland Community Councils Join Forces Over ‘Super Pylon’ Line With Public Meeting Planned - Thursday 27th April 2023

The Highland Times - Communities Before Power Companies Welcomes First Ministers Commitment - Tuesday 25th April 2023

Facebook Post - Inverness Courier - Highlands At The Heart of Pylon Power Struggle - Friday 21st April 2023

Facebook Post - Kiltarlity News - SSEN In The Firing Line - Spring 2023

The Highland Times - Residents Rage at SSEN Plans - Monday April 17th 2023

The Northern Times - Highland campaigners slam SSEN power line plans for Caithness, Sutherland, Ross-shire and Inverness-shire - Saturday April 8th 2023

The Press & Journal - Power Lines Will ‘Ruin People’s Lives’ Say Furious Campaigners - Friday April 7th 2023

The Herald - Highlands Cannot Afford to Lose Another Pylons Battle - Friday April 7th 2023

The Herald - Rebecca McQuillan: There’s No Time For Another Fight Over Power Lines - Thursday April 6th 2023

PlanetRadio (Your MFR) - Scottish Government Urged to Intervene Over Pylon Plans For The Highlands - Thursday April 6th 2023

The Inverness Courier - Highland Pressure Group Rejects SSEN Claim to be Engaging In a ‘Constructive Manner’ Over Power Line Plans - Friday March 31st 2023

The Inverness Courier - Consultation on Controversial Caithness to Beauly Powerline Plan Extended by SSEN - Thursday March 23rd 2023

The Press & Journal - Campaign Group Formed To Fight ‘Unacceptable’ Power Line Plans Around Beauly - Tuesday March 21st 2023

The Scotsman - Reader’s Letters: Don’t trash our landscape to save the planet - Wednesday March 15th 2023

The Press and Journal - Letters to the editor - Friday March 10th 2023

The Inverness Courier - Monday March 6th 2023