
Please find below important documents which are available for download.

Electricity Infrastructure Consenting In Scotland Consultation

Communities B4 Power Companies

Highland Renewables Database

National Energy System Operator

Dissatisfaction with SSEN

Letter to Highland Councillors - August 2024

Major Infrastructure Motion - June 2024

Electricity Statistics

CLG Position Statement

Ofgem Complaint

Electricity Needs Scotland Update

SSEN’s Response - July 2023

Kirkhill Meeting - 26th June 2023

Helmsdale Community Centre Meeting - 23rd April 2023

Kiltarlity Meeting - 7th April 2023

Balblair Substation, Beauly from the air

A shocking image of the Balblair substation, taken from the air, courtesy of T. Baker. I believe the substation has a footprint of 42 acres.

Approximately 18 years ago this substation was substantially smaller.  It was a small switching station for hydro, barely visible from the road or the forest behind. It has been the subject of a noise abatement notice after unacceptable noise levels affected residents living in the vicinity.

SSEN want to build something like this but 50% bigger at Fanellan, right in the middle of a quiet crofting community. Right in the middle of where people live, work, and raise their families. They think this is okay. They don't think that this will cause anyone any harm, health issues, or devalue properties, or ruin businesses.

SSEN think all of this is okay because they can make a lot of money out of it.

Let's hope our political representatives think differently. After all, this abomination, and all of the infrastructure that goes with it - the hundreds of miles of mega-pylons and thick buzzing overhead lines, will ultimately be determined by the Scottish Government.

We will not be anyone's collateral damage. #JustSayNo