Beauly and her surrounding areas have become, in the words of SSEN, ‘an unfortunate pinch point’ and ‘a spaghetti junction’ of industrial hardware to transmit power mainly from the wind turbines recklessly approved in remote locations far away from grid connections and from where the power is needed.

The campaign group, COMMUNITIES B4 POWER COMPANIES was formed in response to the scale of devastation unleashed upon communities along SSEN’s proposed transmission lines. We aim to stop this annihilation of our environment by a wealthy multinational whose only priority is eye watering profits for their shareholders.

Communities, individuals, you and us - we are all too often ignored by these developers. They purport to care about the environment and wildlife and say they will ‘mitigate’ impacts. But where is the care for those people who end up targeted and affected by their devastating plans?

COMMUNITIES B4 POWER COMPANIES will speak out for and with the people and our voices will be heard.


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We are a group of like minded individuals, including experienced campaigners, who refuse to kowtow to SSEN.

Be loud and be persistent and we will make SSEN and our Government listen to us.

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